Atkins - Endulge Chocolate Coconut, 12 bars

Atkins - Endulge Chocolate Coconut, 12 bars 5.011B001OI3QM650A2IBIEEEVZ4LY5A2IBIEEEVZ4LY5C. ZwirkoMD roadrunnerMaryland/DC/VA02010-02-22Close to a Mounds Bar!This Atkin's bar is very good. I like almond joy, so I add 3 almonds to the top of the bar. I highly recommend if you are craving a cand ...

Atkins - Endulge Chocolate Coconut, 12 bars

List Price: USD $17.88
Lowest New Price: USD $13.49
Price is accurate as of the date/time indicated. Prices and product availability are subject to change. Any price displayed on the Amazon website at the time of purchase will govern the sale of this product.

Features :
  • Serving Size - 1 bar
Product Description
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Customer Reviews

Close to a Mounds Bar! (2010-02-22)
This Atkin's bar is very good. I like almond joy, so I add 3 almonds to the top of the bar. I highly recommend if you are craving a candy bar!!

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